An international quality management system standard, ISO is an independent, non-governmental membership organization that is the world’s largest developer of international standards. Generic in nature, the standard can be applied to a variety of companies and even schools and provides the framework for an efficient management system comprised of good management practices/processes.
With offices registered to ISO 9001:2015, McLanahan Corporation follows the requirements, specifications, guidelines and characteristics set forth to ensure that we are consistently producing materials, products, processes and services that meet world-class standards. Not only that, but our certification also means that our products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. We have processes in place to minimize waste and error, and to increase our productivity.
With its ISO certification, McLanahan meets certain quality standards that allow us to gain business from customers who are required to do business with ISO-certified suppliers. Being an ISO certified company allows us to expand our market and attract potential customers that may not be familiar with us. The certification acts as an assurance that our products are being built in a facility that meets the requirements of ISO, a particularly well-known quality management system standard, and is reviewed yearly by an independent auditor.
It is the policy of McLanahan Corporation to operate our business in a manner that consistently meets or exceeds the quality standards set by our stakeholders. To achieve this goal, we recognize that the quality of our products and services are determined by our customers’ needs and expectations. The satisfaction of customers, both external and internal, shall be the primary focus of the McLanahan Corporation quality management system, and adherence to our (7) quality principles will be paramount in determining our success.

Our ISO certification applies to our offices/production sites at our headquarters in Hollidaysburg, Pa., as well as in Cameron Park, New South Wales, Australia (ISO 9001:2015). Our Australian facility in Cameron Park, New South Wales is certified in the design and manufacture of materials handling equipment, including spares and after-sales service for the mineral, agricultural and resource industries.
An ISO 9001 certified company is a company that meets the requirements of ISO and has been audited by a third party that is accredited by a Management Systems Certification Body known as ANAB.
On top of our ANAB stamp on our certification, we also have an RvA stamp, which is highly recognized internationally. Our Australian group uses Lloyd’s Register and has a JAS – ANZ stamp on their office/production site.
We continually review and update our standards in order to improve, but once a year we have a formal review of our Quality Manual and Level 2 procedures. Our other controlled documents are reviewed every three years. We take pride in not only meeting, but exceeding our customer’s expectations through maintaining our quality standards.
The key to adhering to our ISO certification and following our standards is to essentially say what we do and do what we say — maintaining the integrity that is one of our core values. We are always monitoring and checking our work, as well as following the procedures and training that we have received or have placed in front of ourselves.